Public Education and Engagement
Public outreach is the cornerstone of most every successful conservation mission. Before you can address issues concerning wildlife, you almost always must first address humanistic elements. In line with this perspective, our organization educates, engages, and assists communities across Bangladesh—from diverse ethnic communities in the southeast to private university students in Dhaka to international students desiring to affect change. To date we have provided internships to 12 Bangladeshi students and 21 international volunteers hailing from 6 different countries.
Every year, our Tropical Field Biology Workshop engages volunteers from around the world with optional university credit from Delta State University (DSU), USA. This course trains a diverse array of naturalists to radio-track Burmese pythons and elongated tortoises in the jungles of northeast Bangladesh, properly ID even the most difficult reptiles and amphibians, and instruct them in surgical techniques, survey methodology, specimen preparation, and DNA collection. Of course you would be immersed in the unique culture of Bangladesh as well!
Tropical Field Biology Workshop
Looking to do more with your vacation time next summer? How about going on an expedition into the jungles of Bangladesh, gaining resume-boosting field experience, interacting with critically endangered animals, and all the while supporting conservation?
Click the image to learn more!