Amphibians and reptiles from Lawachara National Park in Bangladesh
Jonathan Hakim, Scott J. Trageser, Animesh Ghose, Sheikh Muhammad Abdur Rashid, Shahriar Caesar Rahman
An annotated inventory of the herpetofauna of Lawachara National Park in Bangladesh is presented, based primarily on original field observations recorded during a six-year survey of the park. A total of 71 species are reported, including 19 Anura, one Apoda, two Chelonii, and 49 Squamata. The course of the survey revealed 16 range extensions including 11 new country records for Bangladesh. Eight of the 16 range extensions including six of the 11 country records are reported here for the first time. Deleted from previous Lawachara National Park checklists are 23 species that had been erroneously reported due to misidentification, a species split, or the subsumption of the species within another taxa.
Composition & Structure of a Snake Assemblage in an Altered Tropical Forest-Plantation Mosaic in Bangladesh
Shahriar Caesar Rahman, S.M.A. Rashid, Kanai Das, Luca Luiselli
Despite the growing trends in quantitative field studies on tropical snake assemblages around the world, Asian tropical snake assemblages have remained less profoundly studied. A snake assemblage in an altered tropical forest-plantation mosaic in Bangladesh was studied for six months. Data were collected on the species composition and their relative frequency of occurrence.
Status, Exploration & Conservation of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
Shahriar Caesar Rahman, S.M.A. Rashid, Rupa Datta, Passing Mro, Chirag J. Roy
The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) comprises an extensive expanse of hills located in the far southeast of Bangladesh, bordered by India and Myanmar. CHT covers more than 10% of the total land area of Bangladesh and lies within the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot. Because of political instability and the generally remote nature of this region, it remains as the least explored area in Bangladesh. Very little is known about the chelonian fauna of CHT. We investigated the occurrence, conservation status, and exploitation of chelonians in the southern part of CHT, in Sangu–Matamuhuri Reserve Forest and adjacent areas, from 2011 to 2015
Monsoon Does Matter: Annual Activity Patterns in a Snake Assemblage From Bangladesh
During the last decades annual activity patterns of temperate snake species have received considerably more attention than those of tropical snakes. In this study, we document the monthly activity patterns of a species-rich assemblage of snakes from a tropical forest-plantation mosaic in Bangladesh based on specimens collected by a systematic road kill survey for 14 months, and relate them to the climatic characteristics of the study area with special reference to monsoon regimes.